Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 21 September 2007

Daily Merlin Insight: 'The Initial M'

Daily Merlin Insight (Using Servants of the Light tarot)
Friday 21st September 2007
10pm - 11pm

'Focusing on the symbolism of 'the Prime of Weapons' (the Flaming Sword) for anything of significance; for further insights into 'the mystery' ... indications relating to the direction which the situation appears to be heading ...'

I clearly discerned the name '------' (name withheld) and a 'town ----------------' (town description withheld)... perhaps an important connection by the way it was provided ... a number of 'contacts' gather. Confirmations the little girl is still indeed alive. She apparently is able to get plenty of fresh air. Those who she knows as friends (perhaps she knew them before her 'abduction' too ... introduced before the event? To get used to where she would be living for a while?). There is a dog slightly taller than herself ... a 'Red Setter' dog? Friendly to her ... she goes on walks with the dog's owner. Along a shoreline. Rugged. Rocky. Windy. Her progress is noted and she is so kindly cared for by someone in the know. In the medical profession it seems. And, yes ... she misses her Mummy & Daddy ... but somehow knows she is safe and she will be returned. But it seems she thinks she is with family. She plays with other children when they get back from their school. During the day she sits in a room overlooking the water ... white painted walls ... with books and pencils and colours. A woman sits beside her on the bed. Very kind and very gentle. Teaching her things. Telling her what she asks because she is inquisitive. The building is white on the outside too ... in barren looking hills. Connected to a main road by a single track .. there is a telephone box on a corner beside a tree. It seems there is a left turn which leads to a fork in another road ... one way leads to the head of the water ... the other to where the secluded house nestles ...

From the crystal casting we have the initial 'M' when looked on from the side. My intuition was provided with the 'reason' for my subconscious creating this shape ... 'it's not just any initial M ...but has the appearance of a young child's first attempts at trying to write their name. I intuit Maddy is learning to write her own name ... her 'custodians' being teachers to her.

The crystal casting has a spiral sprawl around the central card; that of the Prime of Weapons. There is the Hematite stone ... indicative of 'blood' ... not blood ailments which this stone is used to significate .. but literally the Flaming Sword resides with 'blood' or with family? Controversial to say the least? But then if Maddy thinks she is with family? Has she been told she is with family to perhaps help in explaining her predicament to her? The white stone of trust indicates how accepting she is of the situation.

The Devil has been reversed. Therefore the binding appears to have been untied. Things are changing. Things appear to be going on reverse. Changing. The figure of Justice is aiding ... but it is the force behind the justice figure where the aid is ... pushing the situation along. Ensuring the McCanns are proven innocent of something they did not do ANYWAY. The powers that be above the law are intervening. Pushing the situation along. Forcing a change. Moving the mystery out of the rut it had been caught fast in ... deliberate spanners in the works by others above the law ... as the power there had subdivided and there had been displeasure within the ranks. But something has been evened out.

The Priest ... the wounded Healer ... appears once more ... between the reflection of the crescent moon and the obstacles ... note it is the reflection of the crescent ... 'the tabloid news speculations ... and the obstacles encountered by the McCanns in the Uk (the 7 of staves has the shape of the Union Jack in wooden staves) .... somewhere in the middle of this resides the 'wounded healer' .. the medical man who could also practice as a priest? There ... in the situation. In contact with the McCanns. One of 'the nine' perhaps? Certainly the 'first crystal of the spiral' connects with the Priest ... and it is this spiral which leads eventually to the prime of weapons ... therefore the 'wounded healer' knows where Maddy resides ... if the doctor is one of the Nine then the silence will not be broken and the location of Maddy not revealed by this person. So maybe then the Wounded Healer is NOT one of the Tapas 9 but links to them and was possibly there in Portugal at the time? Why 'wounded' .. unable to help the McCanns perhaps? Or literally wounded with an illness? Research is around this person. A man. A researcher scientist perhaps?

The bottom of the spread ... the 8 of spheres, the 7 of spheres and the 4 of spheres. New developments in the case ... picking up something that had previously been discarded. Something which is 'squarely the truth' ... something which is without doubt different to all the other eggs from out of the basket. There is certain progress here. But is this something else which is subject to media suppression? Another development not reported in the press because it goes against the 'official story' .. ?? Or maybe this is the turning of the tide as the official story begins to change ./.... more favourable news perhaps? Signs that the 'abducted' girl is perhaps indeed alive ... there is a different feel to reports to come ...