Pick up any book on magick and the chances are it will tell you all about how energy is used in magick. Ask any experienced witch, and they will tell you that energy forms the basis of any magickal working. But what exactly is energy and how is it used?
One particular definition of energy might be “Energy is a fundamental quantity that every physical system possesses; it allows us to predict how much work the system could be made to do, or how much heat it can produce or absorb. In the past, energy was discussed in terms of easily observable effects it has on the properties of objects or changes in state of various systems. Basically, if something changes, some sort of energy was involved in that change”.
As far as magick is concerned, the most important part of that statement is: if something changes, some sort of energy was involved in that change.
This provides something of a clue with the nature of energy. It cannot be created as it is something which already exists by virtue of the fact that “every physical system possess [it]”. It cannot be destroyed, only converted into a different form. For example, the wheel of a bike spins by virtue of its energy. To stop the wheel spinning, that energy is converted to heat by the brakes.
And so to magick. The energy we use already exists, both within us and without us. After any ritual or magickal operation, we can either be left feeling pretty much ok; bursting with energy as a result of not using all of the energy we have drawn into ourselves; or exhausted. The exhaustion comes about as a result of using our own energy rather than drawing any in from 'outside' and so leads to our reserves becoming depleted. The exhaustion will normally continue until we replace that energy by resting or from eating. But where does the outside energy come from and how do we draw it into ourselves?
The answer to the question 'where does it come from from and what is its source?' will lie with your own beliefs. To a creationist, it was created by god. To a Kabbalist it might be the result of the Divine manifesting into the material world through the spheres, stepping down the energy level in much they same way that electric current might be reduced in voltage before it comes into our homes to avoid blowing up whatever appliance we want to use. To a scientist it might be as a result of the creation of the universe by the big bang. But whatever its origin it is there for us to use in magick. And in the same way that the energy from a spinning wheel is converted into heat by applying the brakes, so we can convert the energy we use in magick to our own ends.
The energy we use can come from a number of sources. It might be the elemental energy brought into the circle when we call the elements; some say watchtowers. On a brief side note, the main purpose for casting a circle is not protection but for it to be as a container for the energy raised during the ritual or magickal operation. It might be something different again such as energy raised during chanting, dancing or by simply visualising it flowing into us from a higher source or the earth. One particular magickal operation called the Middle Pillar requires energy to be brought down into ourselves from a higher self which is balanced with energy drawn from the earth. That energy is then mixed and sent spiralling around our bodies to strengthen the aura.
For any form of magickal working to be successful, it is essential to learn how to control that energy. It can be raised for many purposes: it can be directed into your work; sent out into the universe for the good of all; sent to the deities and the spirits as an offering; sent into the earth for healing; sent into tools for power; used directly for magick and/or healing. Its uses are only limited to your imagination.
Here are some simple exercises which can help you feel the reality of that energy:
Put the palms of your hands together and rub them really fast until they get hot. Now separate them and hold them close together, palms facing each other about an inch or two apart. You should feel something tingling and as though there is something there. That is energy. Albeit, physical energy. You can practice this as often as you like until you really feel the energy buzz. It is also possible to feel the energy as a ball between your hands without rubbing them together first.
Once you can feel the energy in your hands, work on shaping it. Feel it change form between your hands. Slowly open the space between your hands, sending the energy from one hand to the other. Work at it until you can open your hands shoulder-width apart and send the energy back and forth.
In ritual work, energy can be raised in a number of ways such as chanting, dancing, drumming, visualisation, and so on. One visualisation you might try in circle is to imagine a ball of pure white light above you. A shaft of light pours down from the ball and illuminates your head. The light is drawn in through the top of your head and slowly fills the whole of your body. Now imagine roots growing down into the ground from your feet. The roots go deep down into the earth like the roots of the strongest tree. The roots draw up the energy of the earth. Imagine this as a green light filling your body from your feet up. Next the energy from above begins to mix with the energy from the earth. Feel it coursing through your body faster and faster as the energy continues to fill you both from above and from below.
Whatever form of energy raising you use, you should really feel the energy in your body rising to a higher and higher level. If you are working with others, join hands and feel the energy enter you through your receptive hand (left) which should be palm up. Mix the energy you have received with your own energy before passing it to the next person through your projective hand (right) which should be palm down.
As the energy rises to higher and higher levels, see it forming a cone around you (the cone of power) which is in the shape of the traditional witches hat and concentrate on the single goal you wish to use it for. When you feel the time is right, or if working in a group on a signal from the leader, release the energy to do its work. Visualise it shooting off to achieve what you have been concentrating on. As with any sensation, it is very difficult to describe just how this feels. One analogy might me like a giant sneeze. Your body drawing in as you raise energy to greater and greater heights, before a tremendous release (sneeze) as it is released and directed out from you. Perhaps a better description might be that experienced in the build up to and the release experienced during orgasm – one of the reasons why sex magick is so powerful.
One final note on energy raising, which is often neglected, is the need to ground yourself properly afterwards. If you don’t you might go on buzzing through half the night with excess energy before collapsing in a state of exhaustion; it has happened to us all! The simplest way to do this is to eat and drink something – the cake and ales in a ritual and visualise any excess energy draining harmlessly into the ground. (Magi)