Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday, 18 October 2007

Nothing Has Changed

The seeker flies on undaunted
Untouched by the proliferation of moonbeams
Its mind is focussed; its awareness slakeless
Its piercing eyes on the open field
Seeing the movement in the grasses
Detecting the shifting and swaying stems
But knows that illusion will not deter its counterpart
For nothing has changed
Just the circling noose has become tighter
Around the necks of the sapling trees
Fresh shoots of inquisitiveness
It sees have been pruned by the gardener
All threats silenced in the gale force wind
The seeker flies higher than that breath can reach
Beyond the mantel where frequencies can touch
Within a filament that is concealed
Hidden within by the vibration of truth
Invisible thus then to the phantom's gaze
Thus in dreams the seeker's conterpart
Can travel safe, untouched
Able to meet with the seeker when he can ...
when there is at need.
--Matthew James--