Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 3 March 2008

Looking Out For Number One ....

Well, the pressure is being applied ... ten days now to a flight out of here. Tomorrow is the day I hand my notice in ... and then there is no turning back.

Once that button is pressed, that will be the final approach. Intuition says calmly 'everything will be alright' but the little voice of logic in the back of my mind is calling on me to be 'oh so careful' with the handing in of my notice. Leave things amicable in case we have to backtrack in the future (not that I can see us doing) ....

Ten days left in New Zealand! It seems a little unreal ... a little like watching a scene before my eyes ... a glass screen between me and what is going on. There's been all the packing and the planning to be a reality check ... but until I face the boss tomorrow and give him the stirring news ... 'Mr Boss, I have a something wonderful to tell you ... '. I don't suppose he will be best pleased ... but at the end of the day it's Number One I must look out for. It may come as a shock for him ... which it will for sure ... and I imagine it will be a tense and uncomfortable atmosphere in the office for an hour or two; but once that it endured ... he will see sense and realise it IS my choice and my prerogative to move on.

Ten days remaining before the new adventure. It instills excitement in me. I am anticipating a real sense of 'fear and apprehension' when we watch all our possessions leave in the shipper's van. Fear and apprehension when we touch down in Sydney and we have to find road signs for Canberra in the dark. Fear and apprehension when we arrive in Canberra and have to find our digs. Fear and apprehension when we wake up the first morning of the rest of our lives .... excitement when we see Canberra for the first time and when I meet my new boss ....

Then, in a few weeks time, we will be congratulating ourselves for making the choice to venture over the ditch. Probably cursing ourselves for not doing it sooner .... lol!