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Thursday 11 September 2008

Deciphering The Ailment Message

Understanding the cause is not the cure for an ailment. And this metaphysical/spiritual approach should be used as a support and in conjunction with traditional approaches to medical evaluations and treatment by your doctor.

But there is a belief that even if you are involved in traditional treatment, and not addressing the whole body (mind/body/spirit), the ailment will either continue, or return. So there is a new approach by traditional practioners to look at the whole person when deciphering disease and prescribing treatment. This approach isn't new, as it's based on very old metaphysical theory, but today it's often referred to as the Mind/Body/Spirit connection or approach to healing.
Your body will try to let you know there's an issue to be addressed. Ailments tend to start out as minor discomforts. When ignored, these minor issues grow into more serious ailments. But how do you recognize there's a problem and interpret the message?

To do this, you first need to understand a few basic principles of energy within the body. I won't confuse the issue with metaphysical concepts such as Kundilini energy and chakra centers. While these are important, they can make something simple seem a lot more complex. So let's stick to the basics.

Energy flows in the body in a clockwise motion. From the root of your spine, to the crown of your head and back again. This flow has a physical and emotional connection to your being. Simply put, the right side of your body is related to masculine/physical energies and the left side related to the feminine/emotional energies. Each part of your body is related to a concept of life. The easiest way to put this is give you an example. Let's say you have discomfort in your right wrist. This would indicate you're having difficulty in the way you're "handling" a situation, specifically, in the way you're being flexible, or not flexible in that situation.

The best way to look at a situation is to ask yourself, what does this body part do for me? The pancreas for instance manages the sugar in your body. So look at the sweetness in your life. Has it left you? Are you so focused on the material things in life that you're missing out on the sweetness life offers you?

Next look at which side of the body the ailment is manifesting on. The left side where you're dealing with emotions, how you're reacting to situations in your thoughts? Or on the right side which is affected by the physical actions you're making? This is where the right/masculine or left/feminine energies come into play. (