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Monday 15 September 2008

Meditation Insight

Meditation is an extremely valuable life-changing skill. Meditation is a powerful technique to gain mastery over your life, and to become more conscious of your true self. All change begins within yourself and by meditating you will be able to shift your consciousness from the outer world to your inner world. Consciously connect with your inner power by quieting your mind and going inward.

Whether you meditate for 5 minutes or 50 minutes, regular meditation will bring you an abundance of tranquility and inner harmony. "Rome wasn't built in a day," and likewise you can't make miraculous changes in your personality or in your spiritual life by meditating once. We have become a society of desiring instant gratification - but the key with meditation is Persistence, Patience and Practice. Don't be discouraged if you feel that nothing is happening.

Meditation is a subtle art but the changes will come slowly but surely. Keep on practicing and your meditation is sure to deepen and you will indeed be successful.

It takes varying amounts of time to see results. The answer may come in the form of guidance to do something that will help you achieve what you have prayed for. Or it may come in the form of comfort and understanding to someone burdened by an illness, though that illness may not be cured. It could be that the person you’re praying for has an important lesson to learn by bearing the burden of the illness.

Be very specific in stating your desires - whatever they may be. It is important to state that you want your desires to be brought into your reality NOW because time is not the same in the spiritual realm.

It is also important to be repetitive with your visualisations. In the East, people repeat their mantras hundreds or thousands of times a day. Mandala Beads are a way for them to keep their entire concentration upon their mantra and still repeat their desire many times. 108 times to be exact. The more energy and attention you give to your prayer - the more successful you will be with manifesting that which you desire.

Visualisation is increases the effectiveness of your meditation. In fact, the mind's ability to visualize has been shown to enhance achievement in any area. Visualization has become a training technique for sports enthusiasts, dramatists and presenters, among others. University studies have proven that the human mind makes no distinction between mental visualization and actual physical activity. Athletes who visualize themselves perfectly performing their chosen sport are more successful when they compete.

There may always be hindrances to your meditation. Here are a few more tips to help you:

If you are feeling sleepy, let your whole body fill with bright light and don't focus on a particular object. I usually visualize red light for energy but you should use the color that best works for you.

If you are distracted, visualize something that promotes stillness. If it is words that keep coming to your mind, imagine those words traced on water and watch them disappear. Or use any other 'mental' technique to remove them from your meditation.

Take advantage of a simple psychological truth: When you enjoy something, your mind doesn't wander. Don't just notice your breathing; enjoy it.

Meditation is not a magic pill. It should be considered an essential part of your day, but should not be the only thing you do to create the reality you desire. How you live the rest of your life is also important. Your thoughts and actions should be healthy in nature.
Positive thoughts bring positive actions. Negative thoughts will likewise produce negative. If you repeatedly tell yourself that you can never do something - that is the reality you will be creating.

Finally, if you are meditating to solve a problem, please realize that you may learn just as much from living through the experience as you will from living with peace. Every situation is brought into your circle for a reason. Learn what you need from it and then release it.