Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 4 September 2008

Nature of the Mind

Mind is subtle matter, an energy-force that can take any form instantly. It has tremendous capacity to empower itself. However, it is insentient and has to take or borrow the Light of Consciousness for its functions. As a thought or a feeling or an emotion it can express itself only as a mixture of matter and consciousness. Consciousness is the only spiritual basis of Existence; it is our true nature, the Self. Thus mind can be separated from Consciousness, and in fact this separation of spirit from the false identification with matter is the goal of human life. It is what religion is all about.

The trouble is that in this difficult process of seeing Spirit different from the functions of 'brain and mind', one has to take help of mind itself. The road to understand our Self is through the purification of mind, the process that requires help from the mind howsoever defiant and unfriendly it might be in the beginning.

Control of senses is essential for conservation of energy that is needed to progress on the spiritual path, or for that matter to achieve any sincere goal in life. Our senses are never satiated if we pamper them or easily give in to their demands. Like wild horses they pull us away from our aim. Their force is tremendous, but of little help. It is just waste of energy. They disturb our mental balance and lead to frustration and failure. Thus, senses must be controlled by conscious and deliberate efforts. Making our will power strong is the key in this regard.

We must develop the quality of fearlessness to make our mind strong so that it would follow the path we want to take. Fear of failure, fear of consequences, fear of 'what others would say', etc. are but the excuses that the mind conjures up to escape many austerities required to proceed on spiritual path. Second important reason for fearfulness is our identification with body and mind. The more we experience the truth that we are pure spirit, the more we become fearless.

Patience and forbearance go hand in hand. Instead of losing patience and becoming restless about the delay, and expecting everything instantly, we should persevere in our spiritual practices on our path of Self-realization. Blame and abuses, misfortunes and calamities should not make us impatient. Rather we should forgive the person who has done us wrong, and accept the situation or circumstances adverse to us with equanimity. (read more ...)