The Sun in mysterious Scorpio invites you to delve into the Underworld and investigate what's hidden beneath the surface of everyday life. The Scorpion's goal is transformation at the deepest level, by bringing light to shadows and secrets and cutting through external appearances to uncover the core of truth.Like the snake -- one of the animals associated with Scorpio -- this sign teaches that shedding the old is sometimes necessary for new growth, and that death is an essential part of life. As autumn starts to fade into winter (at least in the Northern Hemisphere), days grow darker and signs of death and decay abound in the natural world, reminding us of our own mortality.
It's not a coincidence that Halloween, All Saints Day and Day of the Dead happen during the Scorpio season. The veil between material reality and the realm of spirits -- the visible and invisible worlds -- is said to grow thin, heightening our ability to access magic and connect with those who have passed.
Find out where you're being called to look beneath the surface, release the old and transform at a deep level by looking up your zodiac sign here
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