Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 16 December 2008

Dreams and things

Because we had a bit of a lull at work today with it being Xmas next week, and also the fact that the tender bid has gone in, I found an opportunity to have a good old 'natter' with John about spiritual things today.

The conversation drifted towards dreams and their meanings; and since I've been having a number of very vivid dreams recently I thought I would get John's opinion on one of the dream scenarios:

I remember vividly standing on the left hand side of a vertical rock face. There was a climber's rope traversing diagonally from top left to bottom right down the vertical rock face. Without any hesitation, I found myself clambering down the rope to its end. Then tying myself on around my waist. Some unknown person then pulled me up to my previous view point. I then jumped and swung along the side the rock face, coming to rest on a tree trunk at the far end of the rock face.

John's reply came after making him a brew from the coffee machine. He took a few sips on the coffee, looked me in the eye before replying. His face was expressionless as he reeled off his interpretation:

"You'll be offered an opportunity which most people would see as a big risk. But since you've done the role/situation before (you used to rock climb didn't you tell me?) ... you'll take to it like a duck takes to water. The ease of the landing at the other side of 'the abyss' indicates the ease at which you will make this transition. The tree branch is symbolic perhaps of some new station within the tree of life."

We continued to analyse the dream scape a little further before breaking out into other themes. The irony is John then came out with "I'm getting the feeling your wife might injure her hands in some way as I'm seeing her fingers being bruised."

I mentioned this to Kristine in conversation tonight, she burst out laughing and mentioned to me about her left hand .... three of her fingers have a blue/black dye on them after dyeing the Eldest's hair, today,with a blue/black hair dye!! The digital images that the Eldest took of Kristine's fingers look just like her fingers are bruised!

Well done John. Instant feedback ...