A good day despite the torrential rain ...
Well, that was a day of pleasant surprises. Numerous confirmations that synchronicity does indeed work and instinct will lead to the correct path in the end. After many trials and tribulations, the wanderers appear to have finally come home!
Good company, good vibrations, good work done by all .... what a great feeling to be again amongst like minded souls. All working towards the greater good. Much light shone today ... a great torrent of rain fell today, perhaps induced by the extremely high concentration of orgonite energy in one location!!!
Smiling faces were seen to be all around at the end of a long day ... what a team we all were!! Finally out of retirement, this spiritual journeyman can have a decent rest ... mind you yet another orgone is in the mould as I write. Another sibling to join the growing Orgonite family. And the 'new word' for the day is 'sacrifilus' ... relating to the millings and the crystals which sacrifice themselves to become part of the orgones ....
Ancient powers are certainly at work when the orgones are placed correctly. Energy fields created, and vibrations lifted to a mighty height ... creating the perfect platform for crystal clear mediation ...