Just when you thought crop circles were a thing of the past, the first mysterious formation of 2009 has been spotted. The intricate pattern measuring approximately 60 ft in diameter was spotted on Tuesday in a remote area near Avebury in Wiltshire.
It is made up of two segments of arcs of decreasing size between the concentric inner circles.
The ancient area of Wiltshire close to Silbury Hill, Windmill Hill and the Sanctuary is a hot spot for crop circles. Photographer Lucy Pringle, who lives near Petersfield, Hampshire, has become something of a national expert on the crop circle phenomenon since being hooked by their mystery in 1990.
She said: 'In all the hundreds I've captured, no two are identical. I look into the scientific aspects of these circles and research the effects of electromagnetic fields on our living systems.'
The mystery of how crop circles are created has never been solved. (Daily Mail)
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