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Saturday 2 May 2009

Dispelling Voodoo Spells ....

From a personal viewpoint, the best way to dispel a voodoo (or hoodoo) spell sent in your direction ... is to completely ignore the spell. The hardest part to this is knowing in the first place that something has been sent your way.

Find your quiet centre; find your familiar emotions and thoughts. How do you feel in this moment? Distracted; uneasy? A feeling like butterflies in the stomach? Unaccountable anger or sickness? These could be signs of a spell being directed your way ...

Laugh ... laugh at the thought ... laughter has no opposite emotion and is the best cure for anything negative ...

Do not try to identify the sender of the spell or curse ... by probing and focussing on the energy you will make the sender more able to tune into you; thus making them believe you are being affected by their devilry ...

Just don't react in any way other than laughter ... anything else will feed the spell ...