Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 4 May 2009


Galena (lead sulphide) or Galenite is virtually the only source of lead and an important ore of silver. It has the formulae PbS and a relative hardness of 3. It is a very common metallic mineral. When found in veins that show a connection to igneous rocks, it is frequently found with silver minerals.Galena is also found in limestones either as veins or as a replacement deposit.

Galena is a transformation stone. It is effective when embarking on a personal spiritual journey. Galena is sometimes used in past life regression therapy as a guide to inner vision. It assists in facing and overcoming one's deepest fears. Galena is an Earth stone and as such has strong grounding properties:

Brings strength, courage and ability to face difficult times
Helps one to recover personal power
Assists in countering the ill effects of radiation, electromagnetic pollution, long hours in front of the computer

Galena is used by healers to counter infection, protect against radiation, recover from addictions.