Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Orgonite Insight ...

Binah-Light Orgonite products have been found to produce a 'three-fold' effect ...

Initially, the Cones, Shields and Personal Pendants etc seemingly attract negative energies. It is however, NOT, the case .... and this MUST be stressed very strongly ... the truth of the matter is that, in order for the positive & beneficial etheric energies which the Orgonites attract/magnify, any suppressed fears/emotions/stresses WILL BE released in the bearer of the Orgonite. There will be a 'wobble' over the first few days of a purchase. It is a normal phenomenon ... and will soon pass. It is an Electromagnetic Frequency cleansing/detox ...

The second effect, which will either be felt immediately; or creep up suddenly; is the experience of the DEEPEST AND MOST ENERGISING sleep patterns imaginable, which is foudn to promote very 'real' dreaming; dream-recall is also improved dramatically ...

Thirdly, and most importantly, within three-four weeks of a purchase ... the atmosphere and 'feel' to rooms/houses in which the orgonites are placed will dramatically change ... and a sense of composure and relaxation will ensue. There is a sense of positivity and serenity not felt prior to the Orgonites being placed in the property.

So many people are reporting this three-fold effect after purchasing Binah-Light Orgonites ... that it is no longer coincidental ... more than suggesting that Binah-Light orgonite products WORK!

The feedback has been overwhelming in the last few weeks. We are extremely grateful to be able to provide healing and comfort by way of Binah Light products ... some of the reports have described dramatic changes ... almost immediately in many cases. We have yet to receive reports from anyone who's purchased a product that HASN'T felt anything from them!!