"The mind in not the brain. The mind is an energy field. The brain is a physical 'switchboard' between the mind and the body."
Research has shown that words are stored in a specific area on the left side of the brain. What is not so well known is that there is an equivalent area in the right half of the brain which is also involved with language. Both these areas are called the Wernicke's area.
According to Professor Julian Jaynes, lecturer in Psychology at Princeton University, up until around 3,000 years ago, mankind was basically not conscious as he is today. He did not think in terms of concepts, and he was not introspective (i.e. he did not 'turn inwards and think about himself).
Instead he operated with what is called a "bicameral mind". The bicameral mind was man's mind before he developed self consciousness. Early man did not make any decisions on his own. The concept of "self", of being independent and self-reliant, did not exist.
Whenever a decision had to be made, early man looked for a "sign" from an outside authority, such as a king or a god, to tell him what to do. For example, if he went along a road which divided into two roads, he might throw some stones into the air to see which way they fell, to tell him which road to take.
Other signs that early man used to determine what action he should take when he was faced with a decision were often "voices" which he heard in his head and which brought immediate obedience.
Experiments have shown that if the Wernicke's area in the left half of the brain is electrically stimulated during speech, it will interfere with the ability to talk properly, almost halting speech.
The same type of stimulation to the Wernicke's area in the right brain, however, causes a person to hear "voices" or "commands". These are usually of an authoritarian or dictatorial nature, and can be identified as the voice of one who was feared, admired or "looked up to" by the person being stimulated. We call these commands "Wernicke's commands", because they are commands stored in the Wernicke's area of the brain.
The two Wernicke's areas are connected to each other by a thin bridge of tissue. This is where the term "bicameral mind" comes from. It seems that the "voices of the gods" were in fact internal dialogue coming from the right half of the brain.
If mankind was to become civilised, this simple mind had to greatly improve and
consciousness had to develop. However, the bicameral tendency is still present today! It is the bicameral mind, the right side of the Wernicke's area, which we "hear" when we hear those little words of self-invalidation and sabotage.
The 'authorities' who might have put commands into this mind are no longer "gods" - they are anyone that we might have looked up to at some time. These can include parents, teachers, peers, politicians, and doctors.
Have you have ever been told to "grow up", "shut up", "eat up", "forget that" or "give up"? Have you ever been told "you're mad", you're bad", "you're stupid" or "you'll never make it"?
If somebody you thought was powerful said "you're too fat", "you'll never change", "you'll forget", "you're a slow learner", "eat ALL your food", you're not good enough", "strong enough", "pretty enough", "clever enough" "you'll go to hell" etc. etc. then they may have made an 'entry' in your right Wernicke's area, an implanted command, which is still influencing you to this day! We call these commands "wernicke's commands".
Wernicke's commands are not all powerful, but they can affect people, sometimes quite a lot. They particularly affect people during times of stress.
When people do any work or therapy to get rid of negative beliefs, the beliefs they try to get rid of things are usually worded as "I …" eg. "I'm not good enough" or "I'm too fat". But "find the truth, and it will set you free". These beliefs are not filed in the brain (which is like a super powerful computer) under an "I" point of view. The commands are entered as said by another person, as if the person is right there, talking to you! For example, the belief may be "I'm no good" but the original command (which is stored in the brain) was "You're no good". (Source: Synergistic Kinesiology)
According to Professor Julian Jaynes, lecturer in Psychology at Princeton University, up until around 3,000 years ago, mankind was basically not conscious as he is today. He did not think in terms of concepts, and he was not introspective (i.e. he did not 'turn inwards and think about himself).
Instead he operated with what is called a "bicameral mind". The bicameral mind was man's mind before he developed self consciousness. Early man did not make any decisions on his own. The concept of "self", of being independent and self-reliant, did not exist.
Whenever a decision had to be made, early man looked for a "sign" from an outside authority, such as a king or a god, to tell him what to do. For example, if he went along a road which divided into two roads, he might throw some stones into the air to see which way they fell, to tell him which road to take.
Other signs that early man used to determine what action he should take when he was faced with a decision were often "voices" which he heard in his head and which brought immediate obedience.
Experiments have shown that if the Wernicke's area in the left half of the brain is electrically stimulated during speech, it will interfere with the ability to talk properly, almost halting speech.
The same type of stimulation to the Wernicke's area in the right brain, however, causes a person to hear "voices" or "commands". These are usually of an authoritarian or dictatorial nature, and can be identified as the voice of one who was feared, admired or "looked up to" by the person being stimulated. We call these commands "Wernicke's commands", because they are commands stored in the Wernicke's area of the brain.
The two Wernicke's areas are connected to each other by a thin bridge of tissue. This is where the term "bicameral mind" comes from. It seems that the "voices of the gods" were in fact internal dialogue coming from the right half of the brain.
If mankind was to become civilised, this simple mind had to greatly improve and
consciousness had to develop. However, the bicameral tendency is still present today! It is the bicameral mind, the right side of the Wernicke's area, which we "hear" when we hear those little words of self-invalidation and sabotage.
The 'authorities' who might have put commands into this mind are no longer "gods" - they are anyone that we might have looked up to at some time. These can include parents, teachers, peers, politicians, and doctors.
Have you have ever been told to "grow up", "shut up", "eat up", "forget that" or "give up"? Have you ever been told "you're mad", you're bad", "you're stupid" or "you'll never make it"?
If somebody you thought was powerful said "you're too fat", "you'll never change", "you'll forget", "you're a slow learner", "eat ALL your food", you're not good enough", "strong enough", "pretty enough", "clever enough" "you'll go to hell" etc. etc. then they may have made an 'entry' in your right Wernicke's area, an implanted command, which is still influencing you to this day! We call these commands "wernicke's commands".
Wernicke's commands are not all powerful, but they can affect people, sometimes quite a lot. They particularly affect people during times of stress.
When people do any work or therapy to get rid of negative beliefs, the beliefs they try to get rid of things are usually worded as "I …" eg. "I'm not good enough" or "I'm too fat". But "find the truth, and it will set you free". These beliefs are not filed in the brain (which is like a super powerful computer) under an "I" point of view. The commands are entered as said by another person, as if the person is right there, talking to you! For example, the belief may be "I'm no good" but the original command (which is stored in the brain) was "You're no good". (Source: Synergistic Kinesiology)