A terrified teenage student has told how a 'Yeti' spied on her in her bikini as she took a dip in a stream during a camping trip.
Footage has surfaced apparently showing one of the beasts stalking Justyna Folger, 19, as she holidayed with boyfriend Tadeusz Serafinowski in Poland's Tatra mountains. While Justyna paddles, Tadeusz's camera appears to pick out a shadowy hulk creeping through the undergrowth on the other side of the river bank.
'I wandered into the river for a dip when I realised that something was on the opposite shore,' Justyna told Poland's Super Express newspaper. 'At first I thought it was a bear but it appeared to be stooping and then it raised itself on to two legs and ran off. I couldn't believe it,' she added.
Now mountain rangers are on alert and hunting for the mysterious beast. National Park Guards Commander Edward Wlazlo said: 'We are investigating the matter. If there is something out there we will find it.' Yeti experts have been flocking to the mountains since Piotr Kowalski, 27, from Warsaw, filmed a Yeti-like creature emerging from a Tatra mountain path.
'I saw this huge ape-like form hiding behind the rocks. When I saw it it was like being struck by a thunderbolt,' he said. (Daily Mail)
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