Source: Tarot Teachings
The purpose of the Tarot card suits is to categorize four major areas of life. The underlying thought here is that we are each quite different, yet all of us are ultimately the same, and undergo similar life experiences on our journey.
That is to say, almost all of us deal with thoughts, emotions, finances, health, and relationships on a daily basis. These core features of life are inevitable and inescapable for every human.
The creators of the Tarot understood this, and so created Tarot card suits to classify each of these separate issues so that interpreters of the cards could more clearly grasp the essence of the larger picture.
Paradoxically, by dividing out the four major aspects of the human saga, our psyche is able to magnetize all the pieces together into a full-featured masterpiece.
That's what the psyche does best. It transforms choppy bits of data into a fluid, unified stream of full awareness. This is also the process of Tarot interpretation. Essentially, the Tarot is designed much the same way our psyche in constructed. This is why the Tarot, to this day, is still the most utilized oracle and psychic development tool.
In this light, we can see the value of separate Tarot suits. It is when we delve deeper into each suit meaning that our understanding surpasses category, and flows into the unique wholeness of wisdom that the Tarot can provide.
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