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Friday, 12 February 2010

Riddle of the 'Windermere Triangle', where cars mysteriously refuse to unlock

Some put it down to interference from a set of traffic lights, others suspect an unwitting radio ham may be responsible. The local baker even blames a mischievous ghost named Albert.

Whatever the explanation, something is playing havoc with the electronic key fobs of cars in the Lake District town of Windermere. Hundreds of visitors to the popular tourist destination have found their cars won't lock or, worse still, won't unlock after they return with their shopping. The phenomenon - or rather the spot where it occurs - has been nicknamed the Windermere Triangle. (Daily Mail)

Local stores have seen a steady stream of baffled motorists asking for help, while a motor dealer has been inundated with requests for replacement batteries foe key fobs.

The local council sent in engineers to check whether the traffic lights at a new pedestrian crossing were playing up, but they found no evidence of a link.