Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 27 March 2010

Scottish Government Cover up of Hollie Greig Part 5 – Scottish Legal System Second Rejection of Hollie's Case

'In my last article we talked about the rejection by the legal system in Scotland of Hollie's initial story. However, as one would assume the determination of a mother never gives up on such matters so Hollie's mum Anne decided to pursue this case further owing to the involvement of many other peodophiles in the Aberdeen area.

She eventually managed to get Grampian Police to come down to Shropshire to carry out and interview with Hollie and Anne sat in another room close by and listening to the questions and answers etc. Anne was of the opinion that this interview did not go far enough and certainly did not involve Anne to any extent, despite the fact that she was also central to this story.' ...Read more...