Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Book Of Changes

The "hawk on a high wall" is an inferior, but powerful, influence that is the final impediment to your Deliverance.

Receiving this last changing line means that you must "forcefully dispense with a great adversary," once and for all. The first four changing lines of this series have given clues as to who this "great adversary" really is.

It is "the hawk that watches (with its sharp eyes) for every thought that might displace its rule. This hawk has been installed, through conditioning, in a person's psyche." [Anthony & Moog]

A companion - or culture - wants to see you remain stuck, with them, in the world of "shoulds" and "musts" imposed by others. Perhaps it is that "great toe" warned of in Line 4.

Stop this influence completely. Allow yourself to experience the Relief the Universe has brought you. Then everything you do will have success.