Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Advanced Visualisation #1 - Meeting The Ancient Ones

Begin your journey by closing your eyes, and taking a few moments to let the stresses and strains of the material plane pass you by. Let the strands of thoughts come and go ... until you are able to focus on your heartbeat and your breathing. At this point begin to focus on taking a series of deep breaths. Breathing in deeply 5 times and then slowly blowing out through your mouth 5 times. Keep doing this process until you begin to feel slightly light headed. You are now about to enter an altered state of consciousness. Focus now on your forehead ... in the area that lies above and in centre to your eye sockets. Feel a slight pressure begin to build at this point, as life force energy is being drawn to this energy centre in your soul’s anticipation of this inner journey. Let this energy build until you reach a point that impressions and pictures form in the back of your mind ... now we can start the journey.

Imagine you are standing in front of one of the great pyramids. But notice the pyramid doesn’t appear like modern times. The pyramid is faced with shining white stone! This is how the pyramids originally looked back in early Egyptian times ... really focus on the pyramid and feel the powerful energies emanating from its walls. Take a few moments to adjust to the primal energies now coursing through you. Draw your attention now to the sun in the sky ... see the oranges and red hues in the sky and watch as the sun appears to rest directly above the apex of the pyramid. Notice now as the pyramid walls take on the orange and red hues of the sunset.

Walk slowly towards the pyramid ... and as you do feel the powerful energies emanating from the pyramid; Pulsing power coursing from the air and from the ground. Feel these energy vibrations now beginning to build in the balls of your feet and along the tips of your fingers.

There will be a slight pins and needle feeling as these energies begin to lift themselves up through your body. Become aware of a red/orange mist that begins to form around you. This is your aura being stimulated by these powerful energy vibrations. Let the visualisation of your aura really build and watch as the mists now swirl all the way around you. You will go deeper into the meditation at this point and really walk into the scene that has built around you.

Find yourself now in a long narrow tunnel which is within the pyramid. Feel the coolness of the air around you and the incredible power being generated by the pyramid ... follow the passageway down into the very bowels of the earth ... take your time at this point. Let your mind feel the walls of the pyramid ... and confirm the absolute power of this place.

Presently you will find yourself in a very large stone clad chamber. There are four or five stone doors clearly defined in the walls around you. Feel the sense of power at this point; and the overwhelming sense of ancient presence. There are four orbs of light forming before you. Watch as the orbs grow in size and the impression of a mist begins to form around the tiny orbs of light.

Presently, it appears like some unseen artist has spray painted the air as four beings begin to manifest from the very air itself, before you. Watch as they become more and more substantial ... until they appear in solid form before you. You instantly feel the awe as you realise ancient presences actually are there before you.

These are the ancient gods of Khem. Around you are interdimensional chambers which can be accessed ... beyond them passageways that lead to other realms. The ancient ones are the guardians of these doorways. As an initiate to the ancient ways you can be granted passage through one of these doorways ....

Your task now is to convince one of the ancient guardians to grant you passage ....

Copyright Matthew James 2010

Recommended accompanying music .... 'Manifestation Of The Pyramids'; 'Crystal Lord by Runestone'