Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 5 August 2010

Astral Energy and Fear

To begin with, it is advisable to bear in mind that all astral energy is part of the astral energy of the solar system and that therefore:

The sentient body of a human being is an atom of substance in the sentient body of the planetary Logos. The sentient body (a term I much prefer to the term astral, and which I shall continue to use) of the [294] planetary Logos is an aspect - not an atom - of the sentient body of the solar Logos. This in its turn is influenced by, and is a channel for sentient forces, emanating from vast centers of energy outside our solar system altogether.

If this is borne in mind it becomes apparent that man, being but a tiny fragment of a vaster whole which in its turn is incorporated into a still vaster vehicle, is the meeting ground of forces greater and more diversified than his brain is capable of recognizing...(Alice Bailey)