To begin with, it is advisable to bear in mind that all astral energy is part of the astral energy of the solar system and that therefore:
The sentient body of a human being is an atom of substance in the sentient body of the planetary Logos. The sentient body (a term I much prefer to the term astral, and which I shall continue to use) of the [294] planetary Logos is an aspect - not an atom - of the sentient body of the solar Logos. This in its turn is influenced by, and is a channel for sentient forces, emanating from vast centers of energy outside our solar system altogether.
If this is borne in mind it becomes apparent that man, being but a tiny fragment of a vaster whole which in its turn is incorporated into a still vaster vehicle, is the meeting ground of forces greater and more diversified than his brain is capable of recognizing...(Alice Bailey)
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