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Wednesday 18 August 2010

Soul Light and Body Light

Through the gradually growing synthesis of the meditation process carried on by the soul on its own plane and that of the aspirant the man manifests (in the physical brain) a point of light which has been occultly lighted on the plane of the mind. Light ever signifies two things, energy and its manifestation in form of some kind, for light and matter are synonymous terms. The thought of the man and the idea of the soul have found a point of rapport, and the germ of a thought form has come into being. This thought form, when completed, will embody as much of the great plan (on which the Hierarchy is working) as the man can vision, grasp, and embody on the mental plane. This, in the early stages of a man's aspiration, in his first steps along the Path of Discipleship, and for the first two initiations, is covered by the word "Service". He grasps, gropingly at first, the idea of the unity of the Life, and its manifestation as the Brotherhood existing between all forms of that divine Life. This subjective ideal gradually leads to an appreciation of the way in which this essential relationship can work out practically. This can be seen finding its expression in the great humanitarian efforts, in the [94] organizations for the relief of human and animal suffering, and in world wide efforts for the betterment of the internal relations of nations, religions and more...