Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 1 August 2010

You Are The Source

The biggest challenge for most people is to accept the truth of Who they really are. They attend seminars, read books, listen to tapes, try all kinds of practices in order to find something or attract something they think they need in order to be happy, feeling prosperous, or to experience healing, and so on. In other words, they spend their whole life looking for everything they think it is missing in their lives somewhere else.

That keeps their attention out into the world, not realizing that everything they have been searching for, they already have. That's why it is said, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and Its righteousness, and all of these things will be added on to you." And where is the Kingdom? It is within!
So if the kingdom is within, why is it that most people look for the treasures of the kingdom outside, out into the world? Because the still voice that is whispering gently and softly asking them to turn within is overshadowed by the loud voice of the world, one that is rooted in fear. Although as stated earlier, everything we think we ever need we already have, the only way to accept that truth is by being willing to let go of everything we think we know. Not necessarily easy to do, especially in a world that worships the intellect, logic and knowledge over intuition, trust and inner more...