Uranus, the Great Awakener, leaps into Aries, the sign of new beginnings. It's a good guess that things could get pretty lively! As the planet of chaos and change goes firewalking through the Fire sign of energy, heat, courage and brimstone, things might get a little explosive! This is what happens when anything new is born or emerges into manifestation. It's chaotic, messy and there are no guarantees that everything will go smoothly. It's important to think fast and "keep your eyes on the prize" as the saying goes. This is the territory of Aries, the first sign in the zodiac, where all good things begin. And yet, to begin something new, it is also necessary to leave the past behind. The baby being born must leave the womb, and in the same way it is necessary to let go of what was in order to welcome something new into our lives. Uranus is a "transpersonal" planet, meaning that it brings experiences that take us beyond the individual ego-self. It takes us into the realm of the soul or spirit or the Higher Self, in whatever way those words make sense to you. Such a larger-than-life planetary energy will have effects that impact us globally and collectively, as well as individually within our personal lives...read more...
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