Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 7 May 2011

'The Coming of the Moon'

News of the destruction of our homeland came to us around one hundred and thirty years after our exile. For all of us it was a painful truth to accept. We learned from survivors much later, the twin volcanic peaks had erupted; the sea had lifted and drowned the land. All as it had been predicted. Belial had deliberately engineered the disaster. Belial and its followers still lived, we had no doubt. Theirs would be a civilisation within the earth. It would all be planned.

The Coming Of The Moon
image Matthew James

We barely had time to establish our work, keep the legacy intact and warn the peoples of forthcoming events before the major cataclysms came which changed the appearance of the planet. Cataclysms we knew had been engineered in some way by Belial. Its intention had been foreseen many years before. Its intention to wipe out all the surface civilisations of man. Once that had occurred, the surviving civilisations of Belial would come to back onto the surface when it would be safe to do so.

Our astronomers gave us the sorry news. Our sister world had indeed left the bounds of her orbit around our world. She was currently heading off in a new orbit which led her away from us. All hope was lost. The planetoid would now be in orbit around our world. The magnetic effect laid down by elders of the temple would now be a reality. Mighty changes would now be afoot on the surface of our world.

There would soon be flooding on a gigantean scale. Tidal waves sufficiently high enough to drown continents were on their way. There would be near total cloud cover over our world. The rain that then would follow would be on such a scale the water levels of our world would rise dramatically.

These floods would be upon us within five years.

We had thus to prepare.

The flooding came. The rains came. The tidal waves came. By then we had fled to an area of the land outside of the middle earth basin. I recall the endless night, the endless rain. The misery and the sorrow which lasted for hundreds of years. When the flood water abated and the rains ceased, finally, the middle earth basin was gone. It had become replaced by a tiny ocean. All evidence of our culture was sunk without trace. Our temples, our homes - all lost. But we remained. Our legacy lived on.

Our new home comprised a fertile land bounded by this new sea and cut through the middle by a series of river tributaries. For about a century we settled and re-established our healing sanctuary. This would prove to be our final resting place. Thus, our roles as healers returned. But peace did not remain for very long. Our group and the subsequent peoples fought for power. Our live became enmeshed with power struggles. For me it was no longer a happy time.

I had my guilt to contend with. I felt responsible for the many murders of our group all those years before. For it was I who had decided we remain in the great hall. Knowing full well it would result in many deaths. I thus carried the blame and found it hard to remove. No amount of positive affirmations or kindly words from Mikel could remove the stain.

I became a recluse for many years. I spent much time wandering within myself. I felt I had again fallen from grace; I had become a Son Of Belial once more. Just like in a previous incarnation.

I knew then the scar would be bourne by all the faces I would become. It was hard for me to remain.

It was thus down to us and the other surviving bands of the children to spread the truth. So began the war between good and evil; black and white. Belial began the colonisation of the surface of the earth. Creating civilisations built on the foundations of its lies and distortions. Peoples rule by fear and tyrannical power. Our cultures were formed in splinter groups all over the globe built on firm foundations of truth and unity. Sadly, we knew from the start we were in a war we could not win.

Our civilisations became corrupt too soon as they followed the mind set of the Belialians. Mankind was now too obsessed with the temptations of the manifest plane to be saved.

Our legacy continued however. It formed the basis of many of the new mystery schools. Its living consciousness became more and more powerful; more and more slake less. Our legacy was thus something that could last for eternity. And from our etheric stronghold between earth and heaven we passed forth the guidance the initiates of our mystery schools required. We became guardians and guides on our tree-like structure. We had a major part to play. So long after our physical deaths our consciousness lived on. We were the ambassadors of the source and we were merely carrying out its wishes.

After our exile from Atlan, my human memory began to fade. I became withdrawn and empty. My desire to learn was lost. I became a burden to those around me. I considered myself evil; I soon fell pray to the admiring attention of the peoples of our new home land. I had been told by Mikel not long before it happened I had to fall prey to my separate self. I would not be evil if I did. My work was done. My role in the structure was complete. I was to become human and experience the temptations of the flesh. I would fall and keep falling. I would fall until eventually I would forget the whole experience.

I would fall until I lost my immortality. The many years spent in the house of Osiris and in the great hall had programmed my consciousness to forget about human ageing. It was only when I did begin to fall that the ageing process resumed it decay on my physical form. (Extract taken from 'The Chronicles of Ezra' written by Matthew James