Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 11 May 2011

'Teaching Ground'

Magic is returning. The vibration is lifting. More and more of the human young grow restless and bored. More and more rebel; grow uncontrollable. They sense the time of the light is at hand. For in the adult world the vibrational shift is not something seen; for Belials regime hast all the elders lost in a never ending circle. They have no time for leisure and re-programming of the mind. No time for spirituality or the truth. They are side stepped by the smokescreens cast by the agents of Belial. But the children - they only have time on their hands. They have yet to be subjected to the rigours of mind control. They see and sense and hear and know.

They grow impatient with the adult world for not listening. Soon, the adult world hast to listen. Soon the shock waves shall shake and the tidal waves shall drown. Mankind hast to listen. And as Ezra we know it to be in this our latest life time.

We must surely report and witness once more. For that be how it hast always been. Seemingly nothing hast changed. We report the continuing denial of the return of our brothers. Belialian agencies shall not admit to the visitors from the sky. But we, Ezra, know the truth. We know our lost brothers are now among us. They appear the same as you and I for they be of the same ancestry and evolution as you and I. They left the planet eons before to escape Belial. They were those exiles from off our world. They too hast forgotten the art of mental projection. Their new home worlds advance beyond this worlds technology. They hast the means to travel from world to world. Pity Belialian agents wont admit this truth. For surely they must know.

The sightings hast for many human centuries been reported. In all the ancient writings they hast been written down. The gods of the sky. They came from the sky. They visited our worlds. Mankind must be seen as foolish to think it can be so easily deceived. There is too much evidence all around for it to be anything other than visitors from other skies.

But we warn ye now, Belial hast strongholds below thy feet. Within those strongholds the technology of our lost cultures survive. Ancient crafts of the sky and of space. Mind controlling gadgetry and other technology too advanced for mankind to ever imagine.

Mankind ye be deceived - Belialian agencies teach ye thy latest civilisation be the most advanced mankind hast ever been. They deceive ye. They hast destroyed the links and the documents which contradict their claims. Know they lie. Atlan was by far more advanced than anything since but even Atlan is but a shadow of what there hast been on this world.

This world hast been used by the source as a teaching ground countless times. Like a blackboard it canst be cleaned and used again with no trace of all the last times. Mankind ye be but one in a long line of genetic experimentations. Ye are not the first and ye shall not be the last.

The gods made the garden
And made children and watched them play
They grew tired of their chores
So turned their children into slaves ...
Then their children bore children
and their children bore children
the separation had begun
The children turned their backs on the gods and all hope was gone....

[Extract taken from 'The Chronicles Of Ezra' written by Matthew James]