Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 4 July 2011

Cylinder UFOs reported over Indiana, Illinois

Witnesses in Indiana and Illinois are reporting a cylinder-shaped UFO in the daytime skies in separate cases, according to June 29, 2011, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. Two witnesses standing in a Kokomo, IN, parking lot reported watching "a large, dull silver/gray cylinder flying at high altitude from east to west high in the sky" on a nearly cloudless day in MUFON Case # 29773. "No wings, no tail, no contrail," the reporting witness stated. "A large cylinder, at least twice the size of a large jetliner, with rounded ends versus pointy nose and tail. Estimated altitude 30,000 feet. There was no sound, but from that altitude and distance, not surprising. We watched as the cylinder crossed the sky over Kokomo slightly to our north from east to west - a total of maybe two minutes - last seen heading over Burlington due west of Kokomo." more....