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Monday, 19 September 2011
Australia - Abduction Attempt: High-Speed UFO Chase on Territory Highway
A Territory man was involved in a wild UFO chase on the Stuart Highway in a desperate bid to avoid abduction. The man, who only wants to be known as Aiden said he was about an hour south of Tennant Creek, when a bright light approached him from behind. "I was traveling south of Tennant Creek on my way to Melbourne. I had left Tennant around 3.30am after spending the night there and about an hour after I had set off I looked in my side mirror and noticed a light behind me. I thought nothing of it as it was probably another car." Aiden said he noticed the light getting brighter. "I thought geez they must be driving fast as I was doing 120kph. When I looked again after a few minutes the light was really bright but it was in the bloody sky." Aiden said when he noticed the light was not coming from another car or truck behind him he "started to get freaked out and put the foot down a bit more"...read more>>>...