Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 9 October 2011

A Word on 'Tarot Reading'

Tarot is an ancient method used to receive guidance in our life. No one is 100% certain where Tarot was first used or where it came from, there are many theories. By shuffling the pack of cards and thinking of the question that we want advice on, we can then fan the cards out and feel the ones that we want the reader to interpret for us. This is actually our own inner psyche that the reader deciphers. This is the knowledge we need to hear. Not all Tarot readers read the future only. The most satisfactory way is to offer the guidance that the cards suggest. After all we cannot create the life we wish for if we do not take the steps to have that. Sometimes we need to heal areas within before we can go forward. As for the future the cards will show the potential that is there for us, however we can change this with a thought. We create our lives with our thinking…..we must try to live in The Now, our power is in the present moment. We manifest what we want in life by what we put our energy and focus into. Tarot is extremely revealing, what we do with the information is up to us. Life is choice…..(Spiritual.Com)