Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 9 April 2012

'Being The Magick'

Strange times lie ahead … overhead stood the raven
There was a odd feeling in the air
Something had change … nothing tangible …
But in the distance hung the clouds of a supernatural storm
The shaman bowed his head, feeling then the realisation …
The overwhelming sense of presence earlier in the day
Comprehending the transmission from a hierarchical force …

Feeling the magic … being the magic
Comprehending that compelling
Representing that urge on the manifest plane
Doing the bidding then of a higher force.
Infusing that intention within his work
Encoding that magic … that source …

The shaman knowing the predator now has so little time
Its instinct for survival … its primal drive … fearing discovery
Without conscience or compassion it stands
Ready to unleash its most deadly force on its fodder
Its consciousness seeing mortal man as little more than its plaything
A toy it now wishes to discard …
Rather than permit the bubble to burst …

The shaman foresees now a time of chaotic change … ahead
As the lifting, shifting consciousness causes disarray
Technologies placed deceptively within human forms … awakened
The hive mind demanding compliance
And those not awakened … will become the soldier drones
Turned against its own … zombies of the LMF compulsions.

He realises … he comprehends
And knows the arts must continue
Reaching out to as many as it can
The shaman to become oblivious to the charlatan bands
Those unfortunate souls lost to illusion
Fooled by the predator banshee signals.

He permits a smile … he shrugs his shoulders
And returns to his workings … the magic of the hierarchy apparent
Those tapestries infused with high magick
Vibrational change incarnate …
Change is imminent … the lifting vibrations all around him now
As it was once foretold … how it now is …

Copyright Matthew James 9th April 2012