Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 16 April 2012

'Spirit Possession' Part 1

This is a vital subject to be discussed, especially at this time. To coin a phrase 'there seems to be a lot of it about' ... and it seems to be brought on by the 'dabbling' into the magical arts by very inexperienced spiritual teachers who do not know what they are exposing their 'students' to. They sadly have no magical background and fail to question what they are working with. The ignorant response of 'work with light and love' is NOT a sufficient preparation for dealing with powerful astral entities. Sadly ... this understanding can only come with practice and correct guidance. For many of these inexperienced teachers, the internet is like a 'cook book of disaster'. Plenty of literature but no practical experience. Sadly the norm now is to attend as many 'weekend' workshops as possible and become an expert in these things a week later. TRUE magic is learned over time. I state again that it is a good 15 years before any teacher is ready to train. Spiritual teaching is NOT a QUICK money making scheme. Spirit possession is taking place in the classes of inexperienced teachers and they are not even aware! So an entity declares itself as being 'archangel Michael' ... is it really that being? How do these teachers test the link? How do they know for sure it is this being ...what compels them to believe it is aside from the voice that speaks to them or the literature they read? It can be ANYTHING! A clever entity will know the weaknesses of the teacher and will observe the teachers intention. It is SO easy for it to then say what the teacher wants to hear. The entity is then able to gain control of the teacher and the group. The teacher will not know any different. It is a real concern. I for one am extremely skeptical of EVERY connection I make. I never invoke. I test every connection with information that can be validated in such a way it is what the connection claims to be ... this is where the years of experience comes in.

Tell tale signs of the spirit possession are there for the trained and knowledgeable eyes. The inexperienced won't have a clue. Disarray and confusion in group members is one thing. Chaotic life patterns taking place after  classes is another. Changes in student personalities is another ... normal quiet people becoming argumentative and arrogant towards others ... worrying signs to watch out for amongst others.... which we will discuss in the next post - MJ 16/4/12