It's now May 2012 ... the fifth month ... almost halfway through the year. And still nothing of major significance taking place (Though there is plenty of things afoot which may become something of major significance later in the year). 2012 is still a 'strange year' from my personal perspective. Energies flow and ebb as if there is some kind of vibrational maelstrom out there. Currently the energies are in their ebbing stage; spiritually I find that progress is inhibited by a trek across a 'significant plateau' ... something like a featureless desert plain without the blazing sunshine. It is unrelenting and un-nourishing. Whereas in the previous months there was significant ACTIVITY ... with breaking bonds and the shaking loose of old patterns of thought .... the last few weeks have been laboured progress. It feels like it has become a high altitude ... and there is a necessity for a vibrational adjustment. Which is fine. But the toils of a material life don't permit any sightseeing. If circumstances were different it would be possible to explain this plateau in terms of wonderment and breakthroughs. However, the consistency of connections and the unrelenting 'knowingness' of situations continues ... and it is the silver lining.
However, it is also a frustrating time when gazing across at 'reported world events'. The world is NOT the same but the media moguls still present the world how it once was ... the vibration has changed. There are significant weather changes around the planet at the moment. Some natural and quite a few manufactured (HAARP) ... and it is not that easy to discern which is one or which is the other. I was reading in the UK news about the flooding being experienced in parts of my home country. Which appears very significant in the light of the forthcoming olympics. Why? You might add. I would answer ... look at the official logo of the 2012 Olympic games which depicts the symbolism of the UK being made up of separated islands does it not? Coincidence? Hopefully the floods will abate in time ... but if they don't it begs the question of 'how did someone know at the time of the creation of the logo that the UK would be flooded?' It's just one of the significant things that appear to be happening at this moment.
The energetics are clearing hotting up for some kind of finale. Perhaps it will be a staged mass deception that will hide what is really happening. Perhaps not. But another thing that is worth commenting on here is the increased UFO activity .... whether terrestrial advanced craft or alien origin there are UFO's appearing everywhere at the moment. Significant?
For me ... it is time to heave a sigh and continue making progress across the plateau ... and be ready for the next vibrational download and upgrade that I know lies just around the corner ... until the next report ... bye for now - MJ 1/5/12
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