Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 3 September 2017

Elaborate hoax? Alleged tomb raiders say they've found 20 3-fingered mummies in Peru - and saw live 'beings' too

Claims the creatures were seen by the "discoverers" of the so-called mummified remains of "three-fingered bodies" is the latest twist in a sensational story that has been branded an elaborate hoax by many, but has taken the internet by storm.

UK-based UFO investigators Steve Mera and Barry Fitzgerald revealed the new claim in a video documentary charting their mission to investigate the "alien" bodies in Peru.

They spoke to members of the Inkari Institute, an archaeological research team in Cusco, Peru, which was allegedly handed the bodies by blackmarket tomb raiders said to have found the tomb in a secret location in Nazca, Peru.

Mr Mera told "We were told that the bodies were discovered in a tomb in Nazca.

"Inside were two sarcophagi, one of which contained around 20 small bodies, all of which around two feet in length, some missing their heads which were later found throughout the interconnecting tunnels.

"There was even claims of discoverers seeing live entities fleeing down tunnels on arrival."