S.O.T.T: As could well be expected, the photo of the humanoid entity supposedly
photographed by police before it took a plunge into the Paraná River has
turned out to be less than meets the eye.
Argentina's Orbita Cero Mendoza reported in its blog that the CIFAD
center of the province of Corrientes had "uncovered the fraudulent
nature of the video" from which the image was taken.
The image had a viral effect on social media and the Internet at large.
It turns out to be a clip from the horror movie "O.V.N.I."
Orbita Cero Mendoza gives us the following information, which is translated below:
"Production company Decar Films reports that the Spanish independent
film "O.V.N.I." is the story of an incredible experience recorded by
four people who went to a forest in Robledo de Chavela to shoot a
documentary on the UFO phenomenon. Their cameras picked up something
unusual. The screenplay was written and directed by Diego Carballo &
Daniel Carlón, starring Peio Arzak, Sergio Torres, Diego Carballo and
Daniel Carlón. The CIFAD report not only highlights the spurious nature
of the Parque Mitre alien, but also the viral effect it exerted [on the
...read more>>>....
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