Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Explorers of the Mundane

Life is an adventure we have all willingly volunteered for. It is a privilege for us to be on the Earth Plane. This is overlooked by so many of us, who take waking up every morning for granted. We have been programmed to forget everything prior to this existence.

Those 'soul memories' have seemingly been erased from our awareness, but they are still present within our super-consciousness. They still control our sub-conscious which in turn drives what our conscious mind reacts to.

The sub-conscious never sleeps. It is a constant awareness that takes in everything that goes on around us. It records the entire existence, and these recordings are at our disposal for review when we adjust our state of awareness.  The same happens on whatever altered state of consciousness we are on. When we leave a state of awareness, and move to another level of awareness, we totally forget our thoughts in a previous level of awareness. Those thoughts cease to exist until we go on that level again.

If someone revises or studies when intoxicated, they may not remember what they were revising when they become sober. But once they become intoxicated to a similar degree as when they were revising, they will remember what they'd learned previously. Alcohol merely puts you on an altered state of consciousness.

We need to remember the difficulty we all go through to get to incarnate here, and stop taking our lives and its stimuli for granted. We need to appreciate what we have, even if it appears to be little at times. We are meant to be explorers of the mundane; travellers of the manifest plane. We set sail to here in order to experience being a physical being. Even if this is a virtual reality, we need to cease trying to become spiritual gurus - trying to explain it all away with wacky theories - and just embrace our time on this realm. Accept it for what it is, and be our true expressions. We are not really meant to know or remember who we truly are at this time. We are remembering, and the lucky few do get to become their true selves. But we are just here to experience whatever our lives present to us.