Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 6 February 2018

A Word Of Warning

The biggest NO NO in the metaphysical field in our opinion is the Spirit Board (Ouija Board, Planchette). That is based on bitter personal experience.

If a highly trained Medium & Clairvoyant won't touch these 'blind doorways' with a barge pole, then surely that means something? But sadly this warning will not be heeded, and there will be dozens of inexperienced fledglings readily subjecting themselves to the psychological imprisonment from the 'pseudo-spirits', which connect via these blind doorways,  which will 'communicate' with them.

Spirit Boards are ready made for possession and worse .... gullible explorers will believe everything the communicator says from the other side of the doorway. Why not? There is after all something 'from the spirit world' talking to them. So why not fall for it? That is sadly the case.

Hence the HUGE warning AGAINST the use of these dangerous devices.