Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 6 February 2018

The Misconception of the Other Side

There is a major flaw, and a major misconception, associated with the spiritualist belief system. It concerns the notion of the communication with 'the other side' and 'communicating with the spirit world'; the concept of a realm filled with disembodied spirits. 

It is a major misconception, and here's why:

We 'human beings' exist in an assumed world as simulated souls, or apparent souls in assumed bodies. Much like the tree that is central to the image on the left. We are merely observers of the simulated souls, fooled into a perception we are within our bodies as a soul.

However, we merely watch it all take place from an observation point known as the mind plane.

When our assumed body 'dies' we are then disconnected from the observation point of being within this assumed body. We, the observer hasn't actually gone anywhere. The observer merely has an improved awareness or perception of the world of the assumed soul. To those still connected to their assumed bodies, it appears that we have died or left their plane of existence. We say that when a person dies they go over to the other side, or to the spirit world.

Wrong. The spirit world and the extended world of the assumed soul are two totally different places. The spirit world relates to the upper aeon world where we remember we are a spirit and are not the carbon copy that is like the golf ball with many layers of soul personalities. When we leave this plane of perception we are still soul. We remain as soul but enter a slightly higher/wider perception of the soul world ... the ethereal like surroundings in the picture above which suddenly comes into view when you drop the limited awareness of the observer of the assumed soul.

When this transition occurs we are still a soul and we are still in the soul world. The other side is merely a change in perception of the observer. It is impossible to contact the spirit world. It's vibrations are way beyond the vibrations of the many mansions within the soul worlds. When mediums and clairvoyants contact a realm ... it is likely to be souls within a higher vibration of the soul world. However, it is possible, on rare occasions for the real spirit world to make connections with the lower aeon worlds we are trapped in ... like it states, on rare occasions. And the beings that make these contacts are NOT angels or ascended masters. Those mythical entities are products and illusions within the lower aeon realms ... only.