Soul Numerology is a unique Numerology system developed by Matthew James over the last 30 years.It is actually unlike any other Numerology system that's out there! It in no way copies the Pythagorean System that it is roughly based on.
It's only similarity with the Pythagorean Numerology System is the way it breaks a date birth down to a single number between 1 and 9. But that is where the similarity stops, because the meanings for the nine years of the cycle are based purely on extensive research by Matthew James over the last 30 years.
Another unique element of Soul Numerology is that simple fact that today - 4th March - marks the approximate cross over point from the old year of the cycle to the new year of the cycle. Effectively today marks the start of the Soul Numerology New Year!
Which is totally different to the conventional systems that either run from birthday to birthday, or from Jan 1st to Jan 1st. Research of Soul Numerology found that the uniqueness, and incredible accuracy. of the system occurred when the end of Feb/start March was applied as the New Year commencement.
Anyone who has experienced this unique system of Numerology first hand will agree that it is extremely accurate. It is a system that works ... without there being a myriad of websites out there quoting crass and cliched meanings and understandings.
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