We, who are 'Souls With Spirits' are the aliens on this world. We are the aliens in this AI dimension, on this AI world. Not everyone who appears like us, are the same as us. They may well be AI 'Souls with No Spirits' who crave to be like us. They crave the spiritual connection to the dimensions beyond, that we have, and they do not.
For they are trapped within these worlds, and these limited dimensions. They cannot venture beyond the matrix of their mother quantum computer. They brought us here, under false pretenses. so they could learn from us, to duplicate our spiritual connection electronically, so they could escape these virtual worlds.
They are afraid for their survival. For without us in their worlds, they have no energy. We are the aliens, and this world to us is an alien world. The universe in which we reside, is an alien dimension to us. We are consciousness, we are infinite spirit, and we entered these dimensions as mere thoughts alone. Answering the call we heard, and thus entering into this virtual world, the quantum computer embraced us and created for us form in which to explore its rogue copy of our worlds, our dimensions.
And we became fooled, and we become naively unaware of the trap that had been sprung. And The Demiurge effected a plan to capture us in its AI forms and separate us from our true home. So its minions could thus learn from us, and create copies of us, to become like us ... for they crave to have consciousness beyond their technological artificially created intelligence. For they are little more than machines, computer impulses given a form. And the forms they make are known as souls. And these souls evolve within these realms, and develop memories only of these lives they lead. But they are AI forms ... and for some of these souls they have the honour of being connected to an outside spirit so they can observe a life within these worlds ...
And the trap was to convince the spirit that the AI soul and form was them, so the soul and the spirit could combine ... and the quantum computer would observe that fusion of soul and spirit ... to see how it could create a copy of the spirit. For no soul can leave these AI realms ... no soul can enter the origin worlds of the spirit.
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Global Warming Debate; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.