Natural News: Under the guise of convenience, it seems we’ve all been inviting Big Brother into our homes (and our pocket and purses) with open arms. Smartphones and all their associated apps, gadgets and other trinkets of technology proclaim to make life easier:
Your phone can now tell you where your car is parked and how far away you are; it will automatically tell you how long your commute to work will be and it can even offer you alternate routes. These feats are no doubt impressive — but for those who still value their personal privacy (and freedom, honestly), the absence of a true “private” life is unnerving.
Your phone (and Google, and Facebook) is always watching: It knows where you’ve been, where you are and where you want to go, it knows who you’re talking to and what restaurant you went to for dinner. The omniscient, omnipresence of the digital world is indeed highly more>>>...
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