Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Another Martian Visit

This is another Mars image for the 'closed mind fraternity'. There are a number of 'artifacts' in this Google Mars image that are of interest here. They have been indicated by red arrows and a red ring. It is not possible to determine for sure what these objects are ... but clearly it is sufficient evidence to come to a conclusion there is something or someone on Mars that is being kept from us.

Interestingly, it didn't take much adjustment of the image to be able to get to the familiar earth foliage colours we see in the image. The patterns of greens here are strangely consistent with that of earth-like terrain, is it not? Coincidence or a martian reality?

Clearly, there is something there on Mars because the Mars on Google Mars today is NOT the same experience as when this image was copied back in 2006. Nowadays a visit to Mars on Google Earth is a total waste of time ... too much which could be visited and zoomed into back in 2006 is now clearly out of bounds. Why? Perhaps too much good stuff like this image was too easy to obtain back then?

Conclusion (Again); there is something of major proportions on Mars that we are not being told about!