Attaining spiritual changes, or awakenings, are a very slow process. They don't take place over night. You may well be shown what can be attained for a day, a week, a fortnight if you are lucky. But it cannot be taken for granted; it will fade to nothing and then seemingly never return.
But rest assured. It will return.
This statement comes from personal experience. A spiritual level experienced back in 1987/8 has now been comprehended. A profound realisation that a current state of mind, and spiritual development level which can be taken for granted, was the level being shown to a young initiate 30 years ago! It's taken 30 years for it to be realised. The state of mind and the feeling of the energy back then, which was profound and intense ... was experienced when sampling the level of energy that can be used now, but wasn't a level the initiate could use back then due to a lack of life's experience's and mature understanding ....
So many naive and inexperienced initiates want it now and then without the understanding and without the work required to sustain the level. They don't understand the mental preparation needed ... it takes decades to become ready, if ever, for the energy levels shown to them. Aye it will be shown to them ... but it will be taken away. Like a baby being shown a bottle of alcohol ... the baby is unable to handle the alcohol until it has matured into the adult ... the analogy describes the psychic energy levels in this instance ...
Patience is definitely an asset. The young and inexperienced 'psychic mediums' are petulant children wanting something they cannot comprehend. Come back in a few decades and then see what you have ....
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Global Warming Debate; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.