Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday, 13 August 2018

Supernatual Enchanters

A classic trait of traditional 'hauntings' is the strange visions and apparent apparitions that are reported by those who experience the haunting first hand.

What is not known to the uninitiated is that certain supernatural beings are adept at mind control. They have the ability to make the unsuspecting see what isn't really there; these beings can hide themselves perfectly by impressing on these unguarded minds glamours and enchantments that appear to reveal whatever the mind of the uninitiated wish to see - a whole array of visions and hauntings can be explained away by this phenomenon.

Quite often the naive and the unguarded in a group will see a whole array of entities that they are totally convinced are there; yet the experienced and guarded members of the group will see absolutely nothing.

It's worth noting here that these supernatural beings are real and wish to remain invisible; their mastery of mind control and enchantment are also real ... very real. So next time you think you've seen an apparition or strange vision ... don't let your mind accept the vision as being real. Question that vision.