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Sunday 4 November 2018

Seeing The Matrix Firsthand

Back in the early 90's I underwent an intense Kundalini awakening, potentially the most powerful one I've had to date. I'd had a number of smaller ones between the ages of 5 and 14 which made me 'more frisky than the average school boy' (Frisky - a word that I'd been given as a description by a school girl friend back when I was at high school).

This one was truly the 'mother of all awakenings'. Looking back now I can see how some higher force had carefully planned the entire thing. I also realise why I was shown the vibration I was shown. It's a good 25 years since the event, but it's wonders can still be recalled now. I yearn for another experience like it!

It began with an evening with some good friends, one of which was a bloody good folk singer. After a few hours frequenting the local bars, we went back to one of our friend's home. It was there that we were treated to our friend's singing. Unbeknown to me at the time, my friend was a shaman, and her singing had a very enlightening effect on me. That night when I got home I had an 'out of body' experience like no other. I entered a world I now know to be the world of the matrix. I could see energy lines and dots and energy swirls. It was a very vivid and surreal experience, which at the time I had no understanding of.

For the next week I was on a very high vibration. My comprehension of the world around me was very strange. It wasn't real; it was a virtual world; it was a game. Everything was a game and I was one of the players. I had the ability to think a thought and it began to manifest into the reality a week or so later. It was a very intense energy experience which created an outpouring of incredible energy which others could feel from me.

The predominant memory is the sense that everything around me was a game; that it was all taken seriously as it was what had been programmed into everyone's awareness from an early age. During this state of heightened awareness, because I was aware of the game's play, the perceptions of seriousness no longer applied. But they would once my state of awareness went back into the electronic soup. I could see the matrix, and the matrix could see me. But when you are within the structure it has no awareness of you.

I grew into understanding what was attacking me; had been attacking me by sending negative experiences into my life (And worse); and would continue to attack me in this way throughout my life. It was the matrix itself because I was aware what the matrix is; so I had become a danger to it. In those moments I got a sense of it all. Then I slipped back into the structure and my normal awareness level returned.

That was then, and this is now. I can recall those days and am grateful for that, and other profound experiences, because I have seen beyond this perceived world. I have seen this existence for what it is; I've felt it from the perspective of 'the illuminati' and know how they manipulate this reality using their heightened awareness. I can comprehend that we are much more than the mere fodder that human kind are in this maze.

Hence the reason why I've so adamantly rejected the New Age theories, and all the dross that goes with it. We might feature the accepted theories here on A Light In The Darkness, because people have the right to their own beliefs, and these beliefs play a very necessary core structure to their enlightenment and development. Its up to them to find out for themselves what lies beyond the 'toys'. We therefore, also, offer a look at the viewpoints uncovered whilst in the heightened state of awareness I call 'the game board level' ... and also realisations that I've had since those days.