Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 7 November 2018

The Enlightened Mind Is What The Matrix Fears ...

Mankind struts around in its virtual reality, basing its arrogant perceptions on a 3% awareness of the entirety of existence around it. Like laboratory rats it lives, barely unaware of its pathetic captivity.

It is 'taught' from an early age that this is called 'life' and that 'life is for living' and also that 'as a human you are part of the only intelligent life form that exists in all of the universe'. But with the universe being so vast, that crazy teaching is blatantly well off the mark.

But by creating a system that creates the perceptions that mankind sees, it will create a prison in which is sees itself in a life as the sole intelligent life form in the universe. It will also accept that the sky is 'blue' when it might in truth be green. Or have no colour at all. This perception applies, surely, to all aspects of this 'life' on 'planet earth'.

The notion that what mankind is taught, and told to perceive, is wrong, won't ever come into conscious thought. But it is all wrong! Mankind isn't free and it isn't what it is taught to think it is. The world around it is not the solid place created by atoms and molecules. All the fundamental 'truths' about life ... are all lies. Deliberate deceptions.

But it takes an open mind, and an enlightened awareness to see it; to know it and to accept it. Because once this notion is seen and is accepted, it changes nothing. The enlightened mind is a mind that has remembered; a mind that can shake off the sleeping tablet it has been given at an early age. And just because it is awakened, it still can't escape. It must still live in the world of the sleeping humans. The world of the virtual prison. The world of the human energy fodder.

An Enlightened Mind, however, is exactly what the matrix fears. The virtual world cannot exist when minds see it as it really is. And if enough minds wake up, then the virtual world loses its fuel. The virtual world therefore creates crazier and crazier algorithms to contain the minds that waken. And what we are seeing in the world, with all the increased violence; the increased loss of freedom; the approach of AI and 5G; is the matrix attempting to gain back control. 

And it will only get worse before it can get better; a statement so true at this current time. More and more minds waken; and more the matrix rewrites the programs that are at the very core of this virtual life. It isn't creating ... it isn't the benevolent 'god' that religions pray to every day. It is the crazed destroyer.

It is the uncreator ... and it will continue to uncreate ... until either this virtual world is no more (Nuclear destruction) or mankind is contained and put under strict control (A new virtual reality within this virtual reality). If it is the latter, the enlightened minds are either excluded or they are controlled by an incredibly powerful firewall. Exclusion cannot mean destruction as consciousness cannot be destroyed. So exclusion must mean the enlightened minds will exist somewhere else outside of the virtual worlds.

Thus mankind's future hangs in a crazy balance. On a world that isn't a world at all. A virtual realm created by waveforms of sound frequencies from an unknown source.