Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 16 November 2018

The Game of Life - Human Energy Fields Part 1

Each and everyone of us is unique. We all have our own combination of hopes, fears, achievements, failures etc. For one person to wrongly judge another, because the other person doesn't conform to their set of life parameters, is totally unfair. Everyone's version is just as valid as yours or the woman next door. 

This world has been turned into the polar opposite of the paradise it had been originally created as. Looking at the big picture; away from the trees which is the human view; it is clear that there has deliberate and intentional madness inflicted on mankind for a very long time. It has seeped through into the psyche and the DNA of man ... and it is basically 'The Separation Syndrome' with every single human having been designed as a separate and self sufficient blob of energy which has been deliberately kept from connecting up with all the other blobs of energy.

Mankind is only now beginning to realise that falling in line with this inherent 'left brain' survival and prison mode is not getting it anywhere. Being in this almost trance-like state has lead mankind to the brink of self destruction. It has to realise that it can only gain back its true nature away from this manifest human state! Nothing can change when its true nature has been written out of the DNA programming ... it can never be any different than it is until the DNA transmissions are changed. The control mechanism doesn't allow for mankind to break free of the separation syndrome; and when mankind strays too far away from the control parameters, then the matrix is designed to change the algorithms and push mankind back in line.

The creators of the matrix and its self destruction program are long gone, in our eyes. They've set the program so that the matrix is kept going by instilling a firm control on mankind ensuring mankind feeds it energy through fear, anger, jealousy, envy ... human emotions that are left brain snares and trigger mechanisms for the matrix to feed. By feeding it is self replicating and self propelling.

Mankind is going nowhere within the matrix and its numerous dimensions. Mankind is soul ... and mankind is a computer construct. It is purely A.I. It does not contain the spiritual energies which are us, the observing ones ... we are fooled into believing the human A.I we experience this virtual world as is us... that we are within its structure somehow ... and that when we 'die' we leave its structure.

That is falsehood and part of the control mechanism. Instead, we are connected to the human A.I as an observer. We feel all the things the human A.I feels via advanced circuitry and V.R hardware. When the human A.I ceases to function we are disconnected from it and we cease to observe the earth as that avatar. Instead, we are then able to tune into other realities within the constraints of the matrix. Many are fooled into returning back to the earth plane by observing through a different human A.I. There are a small percentage who never return and have found the means to escape the matrix ... the firewall between these fake realities and the real dimensions can be penetrated.

But effectively, the Human A.I possesses a computer generated soul, and is programmed to react to living on earth in its own inimitable way. The same human A.I can be reanimated and used by other spirits over and over again. Much like re playable characters in a human multi level computer game.

So we are not what interacts with the world around it; we are merely observers of that which does interact. We are kept captured because the matrix needs our creative thinking to evolve the agenda that has been left running within its C.P.U. Only when that agenda is attained does the game of life change to another chapter or another scene. This can also be a return back to the start of the current programme.