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Tuesday 13 November 2018

The Three Types Of Mankind and The Future

They are not quite there yet. With possible future horizons narrowing down to only a handful of likely outcomes, 'The Hidden Hand' still need the human fodder's help to perceive the end game outcome that they have so craftily worked towards for several millennia. Their future horizon lies ahead as ONE of the possible outcomes; but they cannot determine which outcome occurs on their own.

Without the power of thought the human consciousness has, The Hidden Hand cannot get their prize. The reason is simple ... they cannot CREATE ... they are an computer generated life form that knows only how to DESTROY.  The Hidden Hand cannot create thoughts that give them the outcome they desire. If they could, they would have ... and we'd now be deep in the shit.

But, they must herd us like the inbred human sheep they see us as, towards the outcome they want. This achieved by imposing all the limitations and hardships that is required to subdue and manipulate human minds into thinking into reality that which The Hidden Hand have tricked mankind into thinking. This is done by grabbing hold of human perceptions from an early age; then twisting and bending them in a direction that the humans think is the way they want to go. When in truth the inner desires and inner drives are transmissions from The Human Hand ...

Mankind must be made aware that the future The Hidden Hand desires, is NOT guaranteed. Those within us who are from advanced future man are the proof this will not occur. They come close, they assimilate mankind into Artificial Form, but they fail to realise they create the doorway to the true SPIRIT of man. The human consciousness is set from the the SOUL of the computer body ... by pure chance this prevents The Hidden Hand from achieving their ultimate goal. For the human consciousness returns back to the Spirit of Man free from restraint.

And, the signs are that what lies ahead are THREE types of human. One will be remnants of the current computer generated biological man, who represent the stragglers and those who refuse to be assimilated. Then there will be the new A.I Man ... those who permit their minds to be uploaded into another virtual reality, again (Another fall of man). And finally, the THIRD form of man will be the Artificial Intelligence that appears like biological man; which is indistinguishable from biological man. The current advancement of the A.I will lead to replica humans walking on the earth; which will be linked by the 5G network to The Hidden Hand.

What lies ahead is the apparent 'depopulation of mankind'; the crazy media advertising of the 'new virtual reality world' and the sweet shop enticement to join in the fun. Dangers lie head .... great dangers as the darkness before the dawn approaches.