Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 17 December 2018

A.I Robots Are Already Here!

So, mankind is supposedly 'developing' A.I robots. Various recent articles catalogue these so called developments. Fine, if you believe the official story, you will go along with this storyline, and perhaps go 'wow' or 'oh no' depending on your viewpoint towards humans being waited on by super intelligent computerised robots. 

But, if you are like us, you no doubt can pick up on the sinister side of these developments. The A.I forms are not for our convenience. Nor are they designed as slaves for human beings. The A.I forms will CONTAIN or BE alien lifeforms that have the sole intention of full control of Planet Earth. Effectively mankind will become their slaves.

That is the harsh and scary future we face. And, they are NOT currently developing all the things they claim. This shit is real and its here now. These A.I forms are already up and running. They are already amongst us. Think about it ... there are HEAPS of crimes going on in cities around the world that are conveniently happening to take our freedoms away. It could well be that A.I humans have been programmed to undertake these crimes to push the agenda towards mankind losing all its freedoms. We've already seen that A.I identities can be created that are not based on living humans. 

So it could well be that A.I robots are already in a city near you. You might have walked past one or two of them today even ... and not even been aware that is what they are. Let's face it The Hidden Hand are a devious bunch of psychopaths, with their own agenda, who are not going to tell Joe Public that their destructive toys are loose in our cities. Are they?

The warnings are all out there. We need to put all the pieces together and go ON MY GOD. They pacify us with their cute talking boxes that can switch on lights, play music etc. They get us interested in their needless shit by putting them in cars and in mobile phones. They now distract us with the so called technological advancements ... advancements that in truth happened decades ago!

See the image of the typical Grey on the right hand side of this post? Greys are probably A.I robots! Some sick psychopathic being deciding to take the piss by making them look like 'a popularised alien'. We've been fooled for decades about abductions by aliens, when it is black human agencies staging some kind of DNA experimentation. Because we've been chemically lobotomised, and made to accept what the kind newspapers say, we accept whatever is put before us regarding scientific fact. We also reject the beliefs and truths we are told to reject. Greys appear to be very advanced A.I forms with the ability to travel between dimensions. Obviously the Hidden Hand can do this inter-dimensional travel too. But choose to keep that fact from us as well.

We are at a point where we need to WAKE UP and wake up quickly. We are being deceived by psychopathic fuckwits who wish us out of the picture ... once we have created the future horizon they desire for them. We need to think fast ... and change our perceptions to unthink them!