Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 1 December 2018

Holographic Universes Projected Into Cymatic Sound Patterns Deep Within The Ocean

If the legends of the real world are true; and we came here to escape the great flood; then our consciousness via replicated DNA could have been uploaded into the server of an advanced quantum computer.

That which we call 'Noah's Ark' or 'The Akashic Records'. In order to permit our consciousness to exist ... the quantum computer created a holographic universe deep within the oceans of the real world.

The lights of suns and of galaxies we see in wonder, may well be the result of cymatic sound patterns generated within the waters creating lights and waveform worlds on which our consciousness can experience life and existence ... until such time real earth recovers from the calamities that have befallen.

Or maybe we are mere recordings of our true consciousness always to be trapped in these holographically projected worlds and universes? Whatever the case, clearly has gone wrong and something rogue and destructive is now in control of the quantum computer ... somehow trapping us in a time loop ... a false time and space continuum